Alfred Gogo, known in the music circles as “Shotkode”, has released his new single titled ”Heavy” as he set sights on taking Afro-fusion to a new level.
The fast rising musician has been tipped by many to make an indelible mark in the Afro-fusion culture considering his unique singing prowess.
According to the music sensation, joining the World Map record label would help propel him to greater heights as he would soon feature top Ghanaian afro-fusion artistes and other around the world.
“Ghanaians should watch out for Shotkode and World Map records, I just released my ”Heavy” single together with the video and it’s precursor on how I plan to invade the music industry with my talents.
“People are getting to love my new track and I really appreciate their encouragement and they should look out for bigger things from the camp of World Map records,” he said.
He also revealed plans to release few tracks before the year ends. Check out the video of the song.