The Inspector General of Police, (IGP), James Oppong-Boanuh, as part of arrangements during the upcoming festive season, has launched “Operation Father Christmas”, with a route march through some parts of Accra on Tuesday, November 26, with a stern warning that the Police will deal with persons who have the intention to forment trouble during the Yultide.
He said the Police Service is increasing its deployment of personnel across the country and also intensify security at densely populated areas such as shopping malls, recreational and entertainment centres.
Addressing personnel of the Service after a route march, the IGP said the aim of “Operation Father Christmas” is to consolidate the peace and security in the country even in the Yuletide to ensure that the citizens are safe before, during and after the Christmas Festivities.
The Inspector General said the Police is resourced to deal ruthlessly with all criminal elements.
He asked the public to prioritise their personal security.
IGP James Oppong-Boanuh said people who transact business involving huge sums of money should use the banks.
He also urged the public to inform the police about any criminal activity or any suspicious character within their vicinity.
The IGP urged drivers to be cautious on the road during the period.
He said more MTTD personnel will be deployed during the period.