Coronavirus scare: Immigration Service to start screening at all entry points


The Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) says it is prepared to protect Ghanaians in the country against the coronavirus.

The GIS is doing this by improving its presence at the various border points in the Upper West Region.

Speaking to Radio Ghana, the Upper West Regional PRO of the GIS, Ibn Yussif Duranah, said so far no suspicious conditions have been reported at any of the entry points in the region.

Mr Duranah has however cautioned the public to remain on high alert and report any suspicious or unidentified medical conditions to the nearest health facility.

In the Upper West Region, the Public Relations Officer of the GIS, Ibn Yussif Duranah said with support from sister security agencies, more personnel have been posted to all the known approved and unapproved entry points into the region.

Mr. Duranah said the GIS has remained resolute in denying entry to persons using the unapproved entry points into the country. He said the region is yet to record any suspicious medical case since the outbreak of the coronavirus.

“Right now as Immigration Officers, what we do at the approved route is that we have hand sanitizers and detergents that we use, we also have hand gloves and nose masks around our hands and faces so that the person who has confronted you to enter the country, you [Immigration Officer] do not have any infection that can be transferred unto you.”

“As far as I know, we have not reported any suspicious case in which we think individuals should not be allowed to enter Ghana,” he said.

 Mr Duranah encouraged the public to continue to wash their hands regularly with soap or use sanitizers and report to the nearest health facility, any suspicious medical conditions.


More than 7,700 cases of the coronavirus have been detected resulting in about 170 deaths mainly in Hubei province in China. According to the BBC, the virus has now spread to every region in mainland China and 16 other countries across the globe including a possible case in neighboring Ivory Coast.

While the World Health Organisation is yet to meet and decide whether the virus constitutes a global health emergency, it has said the coronavirus like the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and influenza virus might be a risk for elderly people and persons with pre-existing illnesses.

Designated Hospitals

The Ministry of Health has designated the Ridge Hospital and the Tema General Hospital as centres to manage possible cases of coronavirus in the country.

It said the move is part of Ghana’s plans to prevent and control any case that may be detected in the country and ultimately protect the Ghanaian population.

In a statement dated Monday, January 27, 2020, the Ministry said it has triggered the country’s emergency preparedness and response plan amidst the rising number of infections from the novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in other countries of the world.

Story filed by Mark Smith.

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