Speaker of Parliament, Prof. Mike Oquaye has recalled Members of the House tomorrow, Thursday (April 30, 2020) at 10am to resume the First Meeting of the Fourth Session.
A statement signed by the Speaker, says the recall is in keeping with Order 6 of the Standing Orders of Parliament.
Director of Public Affairs of Parliament, Kate Addo, explains to graphiconline that the sitting will consider among other things, waiving of VAT on donations of stock of equipment and goods for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, permitting the deduction of contributions and donations towards COVID-19 as allowable expense for tax purposes, and extending the due date for filing of taxes from four months to six months after the end of the basis year.
The Speaker suspended sittings on Saturday, April 4, but this did not go down well with the Minority who were of the view that the Speaker should have rather adjourned sittings.
The Speaker, however, defended his action as lawful, also underpinned by the uncertainty of the times as engendered by the coronavirus pandemic, Covid-19.
Among matters before the house was the Electoral Commission’s submission for the passage of legislation to enable citizens to use the Ghana Card and Ghana passport as proper identities for registration as voters.