UE/R: Diocesan Council of St Vincent De Paul Society supports COVID-19 fight


The Council of St Vincent de Paul Society of the Navrongo-Bolgatanga Diocese, has donated food items worth ¢20,000.00 to the Bishop, His Lordship Alfred Agyanta.

This comes at the back of his appeal to all individual, societies and organisations within the church, to contribute to help alleviate the hardship of the needy in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The food items include 100 bags of maize, 20 bags of groundnuts, 15 bags of beans, some used clothes among others. Other donations were ¢500.00 from the Navro Pio, Pe Denis Aneakwoa Belinia Adda Asagpari II who was present and 100 nose masks from a representative of Municipal Chief Executive of the Kassena Nankana.

In his welcome address, the Diocesan Chaplin of St Vincent de Paul (DCSVPS), Fr. Paul Kapochina stated that Saint Vincent de Paul is a voluntary Catholic Society of the Lay people, who aspire to live the gospel massage by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society.

He added that, their support cuts across all facets of human endeavor irrespective of religious, political, ethnic or cultural barriers.

Speaking to Radio Ghana, the Diocesan President of St Vincent de Paul, Francis Ayaaba, stated that the group also supports the poor, needy and the vulnerable in areas of education and the provision of shelter to the homeless.

Mr. Ayaaba added that donation is among other previous gestures including the alleged witch camps.

He stressed that the donation would not have been possible without the immense contributions of benevolent individuals, societies organisations within and outside the dioceses.

His Lordship Alfred Agyanta expressed gratitude for the response to his appeal saying “it is only in fulfillment of the scripture and prayed that the Good Lord replenished a 100 fold, whatever the people gave to the least of their brothers. It is God they have given to”.

Story filed by: Emmanuel Akayeti.

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