Nuclear power able to supply uninterrupted power at affordable price – Rosatom


Stakeholders in the nuclear industry in Ghana have held an online seminar with their counterparts on the continent to dialogue on alternatives to energy generation among African countries.

Speakers at the online seminar agreed that energy sustainability in Ghana and the rest of Africa, is not merely an opportunity to transform societies and grow economies, it is also a necessity – a prerequisite to meet Africa’s growing energy demand and to reduce the global carbon footprint in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

According to Ryan Collyer, Acting CEO of Rosatom Central and Southern Africa out of all sources of electricity, nuclear is one of very few that are currently capable of ticking all three boxes. “Nuclear power is a cost-effective and reliable source of power that is always available. A modern nuclear power plant (NPP) is able to supply uninterrupted power for 60-80 years at a predictable and affordable price, which is not drastically effected by the volatility of the global commodity market. At the same time, nuclear energy is a key component of a clean and sustainable energy strategy, which emits no CO2 into atmosphere,” he noted.

Mr Collyer said “The ideal future energy mix for Africa is nuclear accompanied by renewables; hydro, solar and wind. This is how we can make the world green and at the same time deliver cost efficient electricity to Africa in a sustainable manner”.

He went on to highlight the vital importance for the nuclear industry to dispel the myths that it commonly faces. “The myth that nuclear is unsafe for example is simply untrue. Statistically nuclear is the safest form of energy production known to man. From 1971 – 2009 the nuclear industry actually saved over 1.8 million lives through the prevention of harmful pollutants, should that power have been produced with hydrocarbons,”

The seminar which took place on Wednesday August 18 2020, brought together stakeholders in the nuclear industry in Ghana and other African countries, as well as journalists with interest in the sector.

Story by Nathaniel Nartey

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