WHO has donated 500 IT tablets worth ¢800,000 to support surveillance outbreak response management of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The organisation also donated 6,000 six dignity kits to the tune of more than ¢447,000 for onward distribution to Ghana’s treatment centres.
The dignity kits are personal effects ranging from Sanitary packs for women, toothpaste, hairbrush among others. They are to support Covid-19 patients on admission at treatment centres.
At a ceremony in Accra after the delivery of vaccines, WHO country Representative, Dr. Francis Kasolo said the donation is to support government’s Covid-19 response plan.
He noted with concern the recent increase in Covid-19 cases, and increase in severe and critical cases and reiterated the UN, WHO and Health partners support to ensure transmission are minimized and case management strengthened.
Chief Director at the Ministry of Health, Kwabena Boadu Oku Afari, who acknowledged WHO for the continuous support, thanked them for the items especially those for surveillance. He said the donation will augment the Ministry’s resolve to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.