Wobbling Kpeshie lagoon bridge fixed


The bridge spanning the Kpeshie Lagoon at a point near the La Beach Hotel in Accra, has been shored up for easy flow of traffic.

For some time now, the bridge has been in a state of disrepair and showing signs of weakness, posing danger. One part of it was temporarily closed.

The relevant city authorities such as the Department of Urban Roads, and Ledzorkuku-Krowor Municipal Assembly – LEDMA, were not willing to speak on the situation, until a few days ago when some work was done on the wobbling bridge.

The bridge over the Kpeshie Lagoon assumed the status of a death trap, for which reason, one part of it was closed to traffic. As a result, vehicular movement on a portion of the Beach Road became painfully slow, especially during the morning and evening rush hours.

The 36-metre Bailey Bridge, constructed by the 48 Engineers Regiment of the Ghana Armed Forces, developed cracks, exposing rusty metal rods.

We contacted the Department of Urban Roads, and the Ledzorkuku-Krowor Municipal Assembly – LEDMA, to find out if they were aware of the situation.

But none of them appeared ready to speak on the issue. Motorists including commercial drivers were not happy about the situation.

A few days later, however, we found some workers putting the bridge back in some usable shape. From our enquiries, they were from the Department of Urban Roads.

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