April 26, 2021


The Daily Graphic says developing quality human resource requires huge investment, stringent measures and evaluation to get it right. The paper says it is a pity that Ghana lags behind even at the basic level of applying research and development to manufacture, when the world is moving fast in terms of knowledge and skills. The Graphic is of the firm conviction that it is not too late for Ghana to catch up. It therefore urges the public to appreciate the quality of the Ghanaian labour force which is a key driver in creating investment opportunities for both domestic and foreign enterprises.

The Ghanaian Times commends the call by the African Media and Malaria Research Network for investment to be pumped into the fight against malaria in the country.  It says the COVID-19 pandemic has unfortunately pushed concerns of other equally-dangerous diseases like malaria to the background. The paper says if proper measures are not taken, the diseases will be given free space to claim lives. The Times therefore joins journalists and scientists to call for global funding for malaria prevention and treatment and hopes that one day, malaria will be classified among eradicated diseases.

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