Ghana vies for non-permanent seat at UN Security Council


Ghana is among three countries vying for a position in the UN Security Council Non-Permanent membership positions to serve a fourth term.

With endorsements from key officials within ECOWAS and the African Union, Ghana is poised to gain re-election into the UN Security Council as a Non-Permanent member for the 2022-2023 term.

There are two seats up for grabs in the election to be conducted on June 11 this year as Ghana goes head to head with Gabon and the Democratic Republic of Congo, both from Central Africa.

Ghana’s rich experience as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council is testament to the country’s readiness to play an active role in the work of the UN Security Council.

The West Africa country has been consistent with her participation in UN Peacekeeping missions in the past, which has led to the broad based support from the diplomatic community, to serve in UN Institutions including the Security Council (Non-Permanent membership) for the term 1962-1963, 1986-1987 and finally 2006-2007.

Other credentials such as political maturity, respect for rule of law and socio-economic growth set Ghana apart from her contenders in the race for a seat in the UN Security Council non permanent members.

The UN Security Council consists of five permanent members (China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America) and 10 non-permanent members elected by the General Assembly for a term of two years.

By: Nathaniel Nartey.

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