GJA Presidential Aspirant outlines four point vision


A Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), Presidential and General Secretary aspirant have made their intentions known to journalists at the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation at Broadcasting House in Accra.

They are the Editor of The Ghanaian Times, Dave Agbenu, who is contesting for the Presidency and the News Editor of Adom FM, Akwasi Agyemang, who is vying for the General Secretary position.

Mr. Agbenu outlined four prong issues he will pursue if elected. They are the unionisation of the Association for better condition of service for journalists. He said work in this area has gone very far, as the association has received Certificate of Registration from the TUC.

Mr Agbenu said his visits to the regions revealed a sad situation of journalists some being paid as low as GHC 300. The time, he said, has therefore come for the unionisation to be speeded up and this is something he is going to pursue with vigour to actualise it.

Mr. Agbenu promised to make the GJA self-sufficient in funds to be able to carry out its programmes and projects without always relying solely on corporate organisations. He said a financially sound GJA can operate effectively and independently.

The GJA presidential aspirant said resourcing the association financially will not necessarily levy members but engage in activities and programmes that will generate income for its financial well-being of the association.

He noted that being in existence for 71 years, the GJA must be able to own and manage certain facilities that generate income for the association.

Citing GNAT and others, Mr. Agbenu was confident that the GJA is capable of acquiring these facilities and making them beneficial to members. The issue of continuous training of journalists still dominates public discourse.

This is one area Mr. Agbenu intends to prioritise if elected. He acknowledged that some journalists have already benefited from some training outside the country, and he intends to intensify it if elected.

Mr. Agbenu said the Regional Branches of the Association will be revamped so that they can operate effectively and independently. He pledged to ensure that they acquire offices to serve as their secretariats.

This, he said, will become a place for them to also hold their meetings.

The GJA presidential hopeful promised to work to bridge the relationship gap between the state-owned media and the private media. He said the GJA is often accused of favouring the state-owned media as against the private ones and he is determined to work to erase it be it a perception or reality.

The former GJA Organiser and General Secretary said among all his competitors, he is the most qualified, competent and tested.

He, however, apologised for any mistake he may have made while in office and promised to do better for a progressive GJA.

Mr. Agyemang, for his part pledged to provide selfless leadership. He said he is in the contest to win and serve and not to lord it over members. The two aspirants answered questions on GJA award winners not receiving their packages, unionisation, making the association becoming as vibrant as the likes of the GMA, IPR, GBA among others.

By: Seth Eyiah.

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