Mourners beseige Yendi-Yaa Naa's funeral today


The final funeral rites of Yaa Naa Yakubu Andani were performed in a peaceful and festive atmosphere in Yendi yesterday.
The spectacular traditional event was characterised by a display of the rich culture and customs of the Dagbamba people.
Immaculately dressed in their colourful smocks of varied designs and sizes, the ecstatic mourners danced to the melodious beats of the ‘gong,gong’ and gonje’ strings, amid the firing of muskets.
The climax of events was the circumambulation of the old Gbewaa Palace that was duly carried out by Kampakuya Naa Abubakar Andani in his fortified designed smock, with his uniquely crafted hat (Bu-gu) to match.
The Kampakuya Naa, along with the eldest daughter of Yaa Naa Andani, Naa Priba Pakpang, and other siblings were escorted by the Chief Warrior of Dagbon, Kumbung Naa Yiri, and other sub-chiefs on their immaculate horses to provide spiritual protection.
A willing and milling crowd of family, friends and other sympathizers followed them round the palace three times.
Before the commencement of the final funeral rites, however, some rituals, such as the slaughtering of a horse, donkey and other such animals, were performed to pacify the gods.
There was also the storming of Yilibilla(small houses) by horsemen from Gushiegu to remove some straw from the main hall of the house to signify the removal of the house the symbol of authority of the late Yaa Naa Yakubu Andani.
The straw will subsequently be handed over to the Yaa Naa-elect.
Also of importance was the spiritual bathing (cleansing of the widows of the late Overlord by Mba-Naa,after which they were made to enter the Katini.

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