By: Sedinam Dumenu
Recently, fuel prices have gone down. So, generally, the prices of goods are expected to reduce accordingly. However, that does not seem to be the case. The situation has created a huge problem between passengers and bus conductors as well as drivers.
The Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPTRU) warned drivers not to charge more than 10% in the increase of transport fares, but some ignore this order and charge arbitrarily.
There have been reported incidents involving heated arguments between passengers and mates in various vehicles Terminals and some even taking place on the street for all to see.
I witnessed an incident at the 37 Station where a Bus Conductor and a Passenger were almost at the point of fisticuff over a 50p increase in fares.
Again, a Passenger and a Bus Conductor were involved in a heated argument.
According to sources, the passenger had picked that same vehicle and repeatedly left his change with the Conductor. On the day in question, the passenger asked the Conductor to use the accrued change for the fare.. Now what happened? Your guess is as good as mine!
An endless, heated, temperamental argument ensured.
The question then is what is causing the frustrations? Erratic prices and the lack of uniformity in the charging of transport fares. It is hoped that the Ministry of Transport can support the Ghana Private Road Transport Union, GPRTU and others to streamline the sector.
Way forward:
After speaking to some drivers, they expressed concern that other factors affect the hike in prices of transport fares. For example, car parts prices, brake fuel prices among others.
As of now, no one can determine the future. Whether or not the prices will fall or will go up.
Because there are so many determining factors that go into the international pricing of such commodities.
With the appreciation of the Cedi, it is however expected that the prices of goods and services, including public transport fares, would normalize.