The Council of Inner City Tribal Chiefs and Queen mothers is partnering the Center for National Culture, through the National Commission on Culture, to amplify the culture and traditions of the indigenous Ghanaian people.
This came up when a delegation from the Council interacted with Management of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation in partnership to promote Ghanaian culture and also to formally introduce the council to GBC’s management.
The 22-member team says the Council’s plan is to educate and encourage the youth to become advocates for developing the indigenous tribal cultures and traditions.
Director of Legal Services of GBC, Kwame Waja, urged the Council to bring on board ”programs on culture and values for the Ghanaian youth to appreciate its culture and traditions better”.
The Director-General of GBC, Professor Amin Alhassan, commended the Council on its initiative to promote peace and security among the indigenes and ”pledged to offer the platform needed to promote our culture and traditions”.
President of the Council, Chief Dr. Mohammed Sungtaaba, said parents play an important role in teaching children their mother tongue as well as traditions in their formative years. This will help raise a well cultured generation.
The Council of Inner City Tribal Chiefs and Queen mothers was inaugurated 2 years ago.