Kejetia Market roads open to traffic


Roads leading to the newly constructed Kejetia Market complex in Kumasi have been opened to human and vehicular traffic. This comes two weeks after the Ashanti Regional Security Council, REGSEC, gave traders and hawkers at unauthorized places around the facility a final notice to relocate.
The Ashanti Regional Security Council, REGSEC, gave the traders and hawkers a two-week final ultimatum to relocate or be forced out. At about 4:00 am today, 10 gangs of workers of the construction firm, Contracta Engineering Company, under the supervision of a combined security force from the Police, Military, Prisons and Immigration, began to remove the aluminum sheets around the facility to create access for human and vehicular movement through the Market complex. By early morning, enough access had been created.
The place was suddenly crowded by commuters, hawkers and traders alike with different motives with some there to catch a glimpse of the new project for the first time while others went to explore the possibility of acquiring spaces to continue with their petty businesses.
When interviewed, the hawkers confirmed that they have had enough notification from the city authorities about the de congestion exercise but pleaded for support to relocate.

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