The Northern Regional Minister Mr. Shani Alhassan Shaibu has launched a sanitation campaign to rid the region of filth. Dubbed “Clean Northern Region” the exercise will be carried out on the last Saturday of every month.
The ‘CLEAN NORTHERN REGION” initiative is engaging MMDAs, traditional authorities, religious leaders, market women, youth groups and the media to clean-up communities in the region.
A 5-member Regional Sensitization Committee to be headed by the Regional Environmental Health and Sanitation Officer is being constituted to roll out sensitisation activities towards the campaign.
They will embark on sensitization programs on radio, television and other platforms to whip up the interest and support of the people for the clean-up exercises.
The Northern Regional Minister, Shani Alhassan Shaibu, said filth, plastic rubbers, choked gutters, open defecation and the general insanitary conditions in the region particularly Sagnarigu municipal and Tamale Metropolis is a worrying trend and a public health concern.
He announced Saturday 29th of May as a regional sanitation day and called on all stakeholders to mobilize support for its success
He also called on sanitation agencies and individuals to support the exercise with tools and implements.
Some traditional leaders, security agencies and staff of the Regional Environmental, Health and Sanitation Unit promised to support the campaign.