NRSA launches “Know and Follow the Speed Limits” end-of-year campaign


By Jacob Aggrey

The National Road Safety Authority (NRSA), in collaboration with the Accra and Kumasi Metropolitan Assemblies (AMA/KMA), has launched the “Know and Follow the Speed Limits” campaign.

This initiative aims to encourage drivers to adhere to speed limits to save lives during the busy election and Christmas periods when road accidents typically surge.

The campaign, developed with technical assistance from Vital Strategies under the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), addresses the critical issue of speed management, a significant factor in road crashes. 

According to the Police Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD), 2,038 road crash deaths have been recorded in Ghana so far this year, underscoring the urgent need for action.

Director for Planning and Programs at NRSA, Mr. Martin Afram Esq., emphasised the importance of compliance with speed limits, adding that the campaign will combine education with intensified enforcement to reduce accidents during the festive season.

“Speed limits are essential for the safety of all road users. Driving faster not only increases the risk of crashes but also the severity of injuries,” he stated. 

Speeding remains widespread in Ghana. Recent reports indicate that 92% of drivers in Accra and 89% in Kumasi exceed speed limits on local roads. 

Director for Education, Research, and Training at the Police MTTD, Chief Superintendent Alexander Obeng, highlighted the police’s commitment to cracking down on speeding and other risky behaviours during this peak period.

He announced that the six-week campaign will feature advertisements on television, radio, billboards, and social media. It will also involve educational messages on long-distance buses and enhanced enforcement by the Police MTTD nationwide.

Technical Advisor for Africa at Vital Strategies, Asmeret Nigus noted the global toll of speeding, with 1.19 million lives lost annually. 

“Governments must prioritise the safety of vulnerable road users to prevent crashes. We commend NRSA and its partners for this life-saving initiative,” she said.

He said previous mass media campaigns have proven effective in changing driver behaviour. 

“Evaluation results from an earlier campaign revealed that 98% of viewers understood the dangers of speeding, and 95% became more cautious. This latest initiative builds on such success, aiming to foster a culture of road safety in Ghana,” he explained. 


The Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) works with the world’s leading road safety organisations to design strategies, implement activities, and coordinate with in-country governmental and nongovernmental stakeholders. 

They place an emphasis on achieving outcomes and on using high-quality monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to continually assess our program’s progress. BIGRS reflects Bloomberg Philanthropies’ vision that progress can be achieved both locally and nationally. Implementation of programs at the local level complements national-level policy progress. 

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