We have been paid – Pensioner Bondholders confirm receipt of coupons

Pensioner bondholders express optimism of being exempted in DDEP

The Pensioner Bondholders Forum has confirmed the receipts of coupons and payments owed them by the government.

The forum is happy that the government listened to their calls to affect the payments without delay.

On Monday, the forum at a news conference described the inclusion of pensioners in the DDEP Reopening Invitation as irregular since pensioners had been exempted from the DDEP.  

They further indicated that the menace of the inclusion of pensioners in the invitation is that pensioners will not receive their coupons and principals due during the offer period and until settlement date.

The pensioners therefore advised the finance minister to cause the exclusion of pensioners from the invitation so as not to create a situation that will result in pensioners not receiving their coupons and principals on due dates for a period.

The Convenor of the Forum, Dr. Adu A. Antwi, in a statement said the timely payments confirm that the government has abandoned its invitation to all individual bondholders (pensioners and non-pensioners) to the DDEP reopening.

Pensioner Bondholders Forum expresses its appreciation to the government for addressing the concerns of individual holders of “Eligible Bonds”. 

It believes the government will continue to pay coupons and principals when due and without delay.

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