The Sekondi–Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly, STMA in its quest to eradicate open defecation has embarked on an educational campaign along with communities where the practice is dominant.
The assembly has therefore unveiled signage at Ngeresia, near Sekondi to serve as a reminder to the people on the need to avoid open defecation.
The Metropolitan Chief Executive, Abdul Moomin Issah speaking at the ceremony said beaches and their surrounding communities ought to be clean to prevent the outbreak of diseases.
He warned that perpetrators of the act when caught will be prosecuted. Mr. Moomin urged landlords to ensure toilet facilities are constructed for their tenants.
Mr. Moomin mentioned that the Assembly has more developmental works to pursue and not residential toilets alone.
He said the Assembly through its sanitation initiative has acquired one hundred and twenty-five thousand Pounds to subsidize the cost of construction of household toilets in some communities.
An ultimatum of three months has therefore been given to all landlords to provide their tenants with toilet facilities or face prosecution.
Assembly Member for Ngyiresia-Mempeasem, Fuseini Acquah said education will be intensified to ensure an end to open defecation. He said he is meeting with landlords to make sure toilet facilities are constructed in their houses