How to raise women billionaires

How to raise women billionaires

By Savannah Pokuaah Duah

Chief Executive Officer of 360 Life Style Network and The Human Development Foundation, Obaapanyin Demay has established that to be able to raise women billionaires, the girl child needs to be taught to harness preceptive and be self-believing.

“ If want to raise women billionaires raise girl children that are preceptive, that believe in themselves, that look beyond themselves, that are assertive, know who they are, and able to navigate from who they are into the general society and have the impact” she stated

She made the point on the GTV Breakfast Show in an answer to a question on how a billionaire woman looks like. According to her, the actualization of the billionaire status begins from the ‘basics’.

“It starts from the cradle, you can’t make billionaires if from the home front or the family level people are not held mindset attitude projection about their own life, if the mentality you were raised with, people are not held with their mindset, attitude and projection about their own life,” She said.

Additionally, Obaapanyin Demay mentioned that, the attainment of a billionaire level goes beyond the attendance of school and purchasing of needs.

She advised the youth and the public to do away with the notion that all a person needs to become a billionaire is just by getting a regular education through school, buying a house and a car.

”The mentality you are raised with, conditioned, engineered to think is that, you are supposed to go to school, make some money for yourself, buy yourself a car, buy a house then you can’t make billionaire out of that”.

She also stated that being a billionaire is not just about the monetary aspect of wealth, because ”wealth goes beyond the money, and money is just the means”.

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