Ghana’s First Lady launches “Live Strong with Iron’’ Campaign

The first lady Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo has launched a campaign to create awareness on iron deficiency.
The three year campaign initiated by Nestlé Ghana comes on the back of the recent Ghana Demographic and Health Survey, (DGHS), which estimates that three out of five, (5), children in Ghana lack iron.
Ghana’s First Lady, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo,
The survey also showed that two out of five women in Ghana are iron deficient, a situation that can lead to lung complications and heart failure when it deteriorates.
At a brief ceremony in Accra, the First lady called for a relook at eating habits, traditional meals that are rich in iron and other food nutrients.

The survey also estimates that 66 percent (66%) of children under five are anemic, likewise 42 percent (42%) of women in their reproductive age between 15-49 years.

The lack of iron is caused by poor nutrition and this makes it difficult for the body to produce red blood cells that are needed to store and carry oxygen in the blood.

Pregnant women with severe anaemia are known to have a 3.5 percent chance of dying from obstetric complications.

The awareness campaign dubbed “Live Strong with Iron’’ is to educate particularly women on the need to eat iron rich foods.

The first lady Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo called on Ghanaians to take personal decisions to adopt healthy lifestyles.

According to the Managing Director of Nestlé Ghana, Philomena Tan, the iron campaign will contribute to the company’s ambition of helping 50 million children leave healthier lives by 2030.

The Fight against Iron Deficiency which forms part of activities to mark world Food Day, will be rolled out through media, stakeholder and consumer fora, among other platforms.

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