Employers and policy makers need to pay attention to mental health

Mental Health

By: Roberta Gayode Modin

Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr. Yao Mfodwo has cautioned the public to take mental health issues seriously especially, given the current economic situation.

Speaking on the Breakfast Show, the Consultant Psychiatrist pointed out that, the Ghanaian culture does not permit them to be quite open about the topic, however, he opined that it should be discussed broadly.

“When someone is unwell with a bone fracture, high blood pressure or stroke, then we can actually see that there is something wrong with the person. But unfortunately, with mental health issues, the person can be walking around but wounded inside and you have the manifestation of stress” Dr. Mfodwo explained.

According to him, stress is any internal or external factor that basically is abnormal.

He mentioned difficulty in sleeping, exhaustion, irritability and lack of concentration as some of the symptoms of mental health.

“Sometimes, people are driving and their minds are not even focused on the road that they driving”.

He added that mental health issues has an impact on every aspect of human life like affecting social interactions, productivity at the workplace, causing accidents, alcohol abuse and many others.

Dr. Mfodwo also called on employers and policymakers to pay appropriate attention to mental health.

“I was looking at the exclusive criteria of one of the medical health insurance. There is not a single one of them in this country that actually supports and funds mental health”.

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