ARB APEX Bank staff mark farmers day celebration with health walk


Management and staff of ARB APEX BANK have celebrated farmers with a walk from Ayi Mensah to Peduase in the Eastern Region.  Because stress and its associated diseases is a cause for concern for persons in the banking sector, APEX BANK invited some rural banks in Accra to participate in the walk, which started as early as 6am.

Workers of the Bank who were accompanied by their families climbed the Aburi mountain in a visibly tired but joyous mode.

Head of Customer Service of the Bank, Halima Ogboshie Torto, said the bank cares about the health status of its staff, hence the decision to organise the walk. She said as bankers, they sit long hours, and the effect on their health is enormous.

She said management has prioritised the welfare of workers by ensuring weekly exercises for staff at the head office. 

Madam Torto urged workers to take their health seriously by going on regular checkups and talking walks.

She further encouraged other financial institutions to emulate ARB APEX BANK  in this regard so that the many ailments such as back and spinal disease that normally affect bankers can be minimised.

Staff of some rural banks in Accra who participated in the walk shared their experience, saying the exercise has been of great help to them because they hardly engage in such outdoor activities which makes them not only active but happy.

They suggested regular of such event for staff in order to socialise and have fun. Aerobics instructor Stephen Ayensu said short  distance walks done twice weekly is paramount to the overall well-being of everyone, particularly those in their late 40’s to early 60’s.

He said many of the cardiovascular diseases and high rate of strokes being recorded among the youth could be avoided if regular exercises are made a priority. 

He applauded ARB APEX BANK for placing high on its agenda the health status of its staff.


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