Government considering converting witch camps into Aged Homes- Gender Minister

witch camps

By Emmanuel Oti Acheampong

Minister for Gender and Social Protection, Lariba Zuweira Abudu, has mentioned that her Ministry and the Government of Ghana have plans to convert witch camps in the country into aged homes.

The MP for Walewale explained that even though plans are underway to return the women camped there to their various homes, the government is also considering refurbishing the camps with state-of-the-art equipment and turning the place into aged homes so the older men and women can go have their peace of mind and rest just as it is done in developed countries.

She stressed that even though the camps are notable for older women, reports and her visits to the places have shown that young ladies and even some men who have been accused of being “witches and wizards”, have been camped there. She added that, as much as it is important to return dwellers of the witch camps to their various families, it is also imperative to sensitise the communities to the need to abhor such acts.

She further added that the building of the aged homes will help deal with the trauma that the accused witches go through from both their families and society at large.

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