Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says that Russia will always be ready for dialogue despite its military assault on Ukraine. He said it is unfortunate that their Western friends do not respect international law, trying to destroy it and promote what they call ‘rules-based order. BBC reports that Mr. Lavrov however hopes that there is still a chance to return to international law and international obligations, adding that Russia will “always be ready for a dialogue that will see a return to justice and the principles of the UN Charter”.
President Zelensky of Ukraine Speaks:
Meanwhile, President Zelensky of Ukraine has again spoken to his people this afternoon, swapping his dark suit for a military uniform. In his latest address he compares the fighting to the “sound of the new iron curtain that’s falling and closing Russia from the civilised world”, adding that “the task is for that curtain not to fall on Ukrainian territory.” He claims that the Ukrainian forces have been successful in defending the eastern Donbas region, as well as fighting near Kharkiv. President Zelensky said the most problematic area is in Kherson in the south of the country, where Russian troops have moved north from annexed Crimea. In the north, he said the enemy is continuing to push into the region. BBC says he also talks about troop losses as well as the capture of Russian soldiers. He said lots of Russian Aviation and vehicles have been destroyed.
Reports indicate that Ukraine is under a full scale attack from Russia. BBC reports that ;
- Russian forces launch a full-scale assault on Ukraine, with its military attacking the country from the north, east and south
- People in the capital, Kyiv, have been hearing explosions and air-raid sirens throughout the day
- Thousands have been trying to flee and seek safety in neighbouring countries
- There are also renewed reports of explosions in the port city of Mariupol, home to half a million people
- Ukraine’s president, dressed in military fatigues, vows to fight on, but acknowledges troop losses
- Russians seize control of the Chernobyl complex – site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster
- The UK and US announce fresh new sanctions on Russia, including asset freezes on banks
- President Vladimir Putin defends the invasion, saying there was no other way to defend Russia.
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